LPS Season 1 Eps 05 - Discussions & Links
LPS Season 2 Eps 05 - "Pawlm Reading"
Mrs. Twombly is inspired to set up a booth for a self-proclaimed pet psychic by the name of Finola, after she demonstrates her mind-reading on the pets in the day camp by describing their personalities (while getting them entirely wrong). Her predictions for other customer's pets break the bank for Mrs. Twombly, however, as all her prognoses revolve around the pet wanting a brand of dog food. Meanwhile, the pets suffer while trying to mold themselves into Finola's personality readings, trying to avoid disrupting her partnership with Mrs. Twombly. When Blythe sees what is happening, Finola's pet sugar glider, Sweet Cheeks, may have the answer for Blythe as to what his owner's business really is.
Media: LPS / Team Fortress
Oh yes. We can't wait until there are more cross over videos and parody works. Now if we could get some movie trailer cross overs... just saying.
There are more TF2 clips after the jump!
Merch: Sticker Story Book
Okay, so my wife is nuts about sticker books; and while surfing through Amazon today, I happened upon a story book that has reusable stickers in it.
Granted, I haven't actually seen the book, but c'mon, it has stickers in it. That speaks of sheer awesome! Right!
You can find a link to the page HERE
With the holiday season upon us, this would definitely make for a good gift idea.
Granted, I haven't actually seen the book, but c'mon, it has stickers in it. That speaks of sheer awesome! Right!
You can find a link to the page HERE
With the holiday season upon us, this would definitely make for a good gift idea.
Littlest Pet Shop,
Artists Corner: 038
Littlest Pet Shop,
New Project in the Works: Dedicated LPS Fan Fiction Site?
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Alright guys and girls; there is something that we'd like to try, and if everyone is game, then we'll test it out on a small trial run basis first, then if it works, we'll move on to another stage.
Fan Fiction,
LPS Season 2 Eps 04 - Discussions & Links
LPS Eps 04 - "Heart of Parkness"
Sunil contemplates enthroning himself as king over the raccoon population of City Park after rescuing them from a vicious cobra.
Pet Shop Daily: Late Night Edition
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What this is, is really a huge thank you for all the fans. I know I don't say it enough, but, this site would never have survived this long without your dedication, and your returning interest. So for that; thank you very, very much.
Pet Shoppers
LPS Season 2 - Episode Guide
Time to get with season two, and there is no better way to do that, than to get you all started with another episode guide. We'll be adding the new episode info when we are sure it's correct; information is subject to change, and as always, if there is a missing or broken link, please report it via Submissions.
Thanks for sticking it out during the dry spell, and for coming together once again for another round!
Episode Guide
LPS Season 2 Eps 2 Discussion & Links
Season 2 Eps 2 - "The Nest Hat Craze"
Blythe accidentally starts a new fashion craze with her wild "Nest Hat", inspired by a nest that lands on her head. To her shock, she finds an unhatched egg laying inside of it. The pets are chosen to take care of the newly hatched chick using their animal instincts, while Blythe tries to find the chick's mother. However, her plans fall in the hands of the Biskit twins, who hold her hostage while trying to exploit her new-found fame.
Dailymotion (1080p)
iTunes HD
Littlest Pet Shop,
Remodeling the Site!
If you've noticed, the site has been undergoing some layout and design changes. I've been going through some designs to try them out, both for functionality, and for aesthetic appeal. None of the designs you might see are set in stone until I say... Done!
So, sorry for the mess right now; just trying to optimize the site for your ease, and to continue to make this the number one source for Littlest Pet Shop and Pet Shopper information.
So, sorry for the mess right now; just trying to optimize the site for your ease, and to continue to make this the number one source for Littlest Pet Shop and Pet Shopper information.
Media: Crush Rock Version
I can't believe that this awesome song slipped through the cracks, and I'm just now hearing about it. If for any reason I already posted this, then, well... it's just my old age catching up with me, is all.
LPS Season 2 Eps 1 Discussion & Links
Season 2 Ep 1 - "Missing Blythe"
A few months pass since Blythe leaves for her summer junior program. Aching to see her in person again, the pets come up with a plan to visit Blythe while she is away at fashion camp for the summer.
Littlest Pet Shop,
Season 2
Artist Corner: 037
Sp we all know by now that you guys are huge fans of LPS, so what am I going to do with all of you that keeps on pestering me about when the next season is happening, what's going to be in it, and if Tabitha St Germain has really tweeted to me? I guess I'll just have to give you some art! BAM!
But not just any art, this entire featured art post is for the LPS fan, Great9Star and all the cool stuff that he's made. Don't forget to check out the DA page, and comment that you saw it here, and that you want more!
So click the thingy at the bottom to be blown away by his art... and once more with gusto... BAM!
Littlest Pet Shop,
Story: Fevered Mongoose
[Dark][Adventure][Light Shipping]
Author: Mikah Kat
Shahrukh repeats a devastating transformation into a blood-sucking mongoose. But a certain pet's tantalizing blood attracts him the most. How will he resist? Contains no OC's.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Status: Incomplete
Fan Fiction,
LPS Returns!
As you know, Pet Shop Daily has been on something of a hiatus for the past few months; I've been doing my best to gather as much information as I can about the new season, and I've been working hard to keep the fan community alive.
A huge and generous "thank you" to everyone that has followed us on Twitter, and Facebook.
In the past few months, I've successfully written a novel, and am nearing completion on a second, that will be available on Amazon by the end of the month, with any luck.
According to the rumor mill, the newest season of Littlest Pet Shop will premiere on November 2nd; for all of you that are wanting an answer, or are wondering about it. That is the best most realistic date I can offer. So far it hasn't been shot down by anyone.
The newest LPS DVD is now out, and ready to buy. You should be able to find it at your local retailer, entertainment store, or if that fails, you can always get it at Amazon.
Unfortunately, I may have to, since I haven't seen it at my local Target, or Walmart.
According to the Amazon page, it will be released December 17th, just in time for the Christmas season. So if you haven't made up your minds on what you want from Santa, this would make a nice thing to ask for the next time you are sitting on his lap.
Now, have some videos!
React Videos
Update: Where Have We Been?
Fear not! We have not abandoned you to the void! Like I mentioned last post, i can only post awesome Pet Shop stuff, if there is actual pet shop stuff to post about, and so far there hasn't been a huge amount. Then again, I've also been out of town, writing a novel, and doing lots of other stuff that isn't really Pet Shopper related.
Now, we have some updates to offer. With the help of a fellow Pet Shopper, we have updated season one eps. So for those of you that haven't had a chance to see them, we'll be getting to that.
We also have a few story updates that need to get made, so please bear with us while we make these changes.
in the meantime... have some more art after the jump!
News: LPS DVDs Coming to Australia?
Pet Shop Daily has picked up on a solid rumor that Littlest Pet Shop DVDs will be hitting the Aussie shores soon. Now there's no specific dates to be handed out at this time; but if you are a fan of Littlest Pet Shop and you are in the land "Down Under", then it's time to get your huzzah on!
In the meantime, why don't all you Pet Shoppers from the Aussie land of Awesome vote in, and let us hear you in the comments. Maybe if you guys make some noise they can get some action going behind those DVD releases!
So hit the comments, and let us know what's up.
Update: Escape From Equestria
Time for more updates. We've got a couple of new chapters for you! Sorry about the delays, and enjoy!
Chapter 16 - 17
Chapter 16 - 17
Fan Fiction,
Artist Corner: 036
Okay, so I haven't falling off the world into oblivion, just patiently biding my time until there was enough to post about. You can put the shovels away, we don't have to be buried in the back yard.
Enjoy some art! More after the jump!
Enjoy some art! More after the jump!
News: Third LPS DVD to Release October!
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Not Official Art (duh) |
Check Here
I haven't the foggiest notion as to what episodes will be featured on it, but you guys are welcome to speculate.
I'll update as more info comes in. In the mean time, thanks to Korger for pointing this out to us.
LPS Fan Production Contest Is Here!
Okay Pet Shoppers, it is time to unveil our first Fan Production Contest. What it is, is a means to generate some involvement in the fandom by sparking the creative juices within you fans, and having you pit your skills in the arena of Music, Fan-Art, and Original Music.
The guidelines are the same for these entries, as they are for the regular submissions that you would send us, but the exception, is that if you want your submission for the contest, then you need to mark the title of your Email as "Contest". Otherwise, it will be considered a regular submission.
The rules are very simple. Create original art, music or fiction.
We ask that the music be of some adequate length... 20 second snippets are too short for a proper evaluation.
For the fan-fiction submission, we want a one-shot complete story, at no shorter than 6,000 words. It can be on any topic, and any style; but GrimDark, PetErotica, and Gore will not be allowed.
For the art, we want submissions that are safe for work, nothing with nudity, or sex.
We will begin taking Contest Submissions on Monday, July 1st, and will post them each Wednesday and Friday.
The contest will run for six weeks, and at the end of those weeks, we will select the best art, the best music, and the best fan-fiction based on your feedback, and votes. You can either up vote the submission, or vote "1 through 5" in the comments.
The guidelines are the same for these entries, as they are for the regular submissions that you would send us, but the exception, is that if you want your submission for the contest, then you need to mark the title of your Email as "Contest". Otherwise, it will be considered a regular submission.
The rules are very simple. Create original art, music or fiction.
We ask that the music be of some adequate length... 20 second snippets are too short for a proper evaluation.
For the fan-fiction submission, we want a one-shot complete story, at no shorter than 6,000 words. It can be on any topic, and any style; but GrimDark, PetErotica, and Gore will not be allowed.
For the art, we want submissions that are safe for work, nothing with nudity, or sex.
We will begin taking Contest Submissions on Monday, July 1st, and will post them each Wednesday and Friday.
The contest will run for six weeks, and at the end of those weeks, we will select the best art, the best music, and the best fan-fiction based on your feedback, and votes. You can either up vote the submission, or vote "1 through 5" in the comments.
Media: LPS Assorted Background Music
I know how much you all love music, and background music, and heck; as long as it has something to do with LPS, then it's already music to our ears. So here's some background music that was submitted to us from Senn 555 and InfinityDash.
More music after the jump!
LPS Music Video,
Update: Escape From Equestria
It seems that there was a new chapter updated: So make sure and check it out.
Escape From Equestria - Chapter 15
Just A Brief Update
Hello everyone! Just wanted to take some time and update the blog here, and let you all know that despite the fact that it seems we have slowed down on our posting—which we have—we haven't gone extinct or anything. We are still working hard to provide you with the best information available for your favorite show, Littlest Pet Shop. But as it happens, as does all things when there is a lull in that space between seasons; there isn't that much to post about.
It's times like this that we draw on the fandom, more than ever. To send in your art, your stories and your music.
To better help us keep our spirits up. Pet Shop Daily is going to host have a contest for best original fan-production. This can be either in the form of music, or art, or fiction.
In the next few days, we'll be putting the finishing touches on the rules for the entry, and where you Pet Shoppers can submit your entries, and what exactly it's all about.
In the meantime, I hope everyone is enjoying their Summer break, and is doing their part in keeping the spirit of LPS alive and well.
~ D
LPS Season One Commentary Track?
Now before you get your underthings in a huge misshapen bunch, I haven't heard of any definitive proof that there is going to be a complete DVD box-set of LPS Season One, so until I do, we will treat it as speculation.
But for the sake of speculation, a question concerning the possibility of Nicole Oliver moderating a commentary track for the set came up in Twitter today.
More after the jump!
Update: Sweetest Pets DVD Contents, Clips, Etc.
Have some slideshows and video clips. And don't forget to pick up your copy of Littlest Pet Shop: Sweetest Pets on DVD!
Thanks to Click Communications for the info, and promos.
More goodness after the jump!
Sweetest Pets Hits Shelves Today!
Alright Pet Shoppers! This is it... the moment you've been waiting for! As of now the newest Littlest Pet Shop DVD is out, and you can head to your nearest department store, or entertainment conglomerate to find it.
Or if you don't mind the wait, you can order it from Amazon HERE.
Either way, lets get out there and show our support for the series, and pick up a copy of it today!
Update: Escape From Equestria
It is time once again to bring you updates, of a fan-fiction variety. And yes, now that June is here, we get more My Littlest Pet Shop: Escape From Equestria, so enjoy chapter 14!
Escape From Equestria: Chapter 14
News: Peter New to Appear at TrotCon
This just in, Peter New, the voice of Sunil, will be a guest at TrotCon, and he'll be hosting a Littlest Pet Shop panel at the convention! For those of you who are interested, mark your calendars for June 14-16!
TrotCon Events Schedule
TrotCon Events Schedule
Media: LPS Song Soundtracks
We've got some new fan-made sing-a-long soundtracks/instrumentals for you Pet Shoppers. Check after the jump for more!
Artist Corner: 034
Thought we'd forget about doing more art posts... didn't ya? Well we didn't. We love them just as much as you all, and so without further ado, have some art!
More after the jump!
Review: LPS Season One: Eps 01
It's time for more reviews, and 360Sharkzareawesome1 doesn't disappoint. So grab some popcorn, lower the lights, and adjust your spectacles.
Update: Escape From Equestria
As some of you may or may not know, there has been some mild set-backs to the future chapter of Escape From Equestria. But don't get your undergarments in a wad, there has just been some technical difficulties, and according to Zfunkman, there will be more in June.
Update Status Announcement
So sit back and relax, and draw some fan-art while they get back up and running.
Update Status Announcement
So sit back and relax, and draw some fan-art while they get back up and running.
Fan Fiction,
News: LPS at LA Film Fest & BronyCAN

It's been a few days, and finally we have some things worth mentioning. This may just tickle your ears, or eyes as the case may be.
It seems that there will be a small LPS presence at the LA Film Festival this year, in between all the MLP Equestria Girls hype and things; there is going to be a small section for LPS featuring Animal Balloons, and face painting.
Also, at this year's BronyCAN, there is going to be some LPS voice talent.
So head over to the websites HERE and HERE and check it out!
Media: LPS Season 1 Finale Review
Everyone loves reviews, and since 360Sharkzareawesome1 has made a review of the season one finale, I thought I'd share with all of you.
Also, make sure and check out his facebook page HERE
Update: Talentless
Time for some story updates, and now that I'm back from vacation, let's kick this weekend off with some feels from the second chapter of Talentless!
Chapter 2
Best Song of Season One - Results
Well, the results for the Pet Shopper's Choice - Best Song of Season One.
Here's your winners:
1st Place: "Wolf-i-fied"For a closer look at the actual results, you can check it out here: Results
2nd Place: "Humanarian"
3rd Place: "It Won't be Long"
Update: My littlest Pet Shop - Escape From Equestria
Time for more of your favorite fan-fiction! no I'm not talking about, that fake fan-fiction where Lyra Heartstrings(MLP) has dreamed up the Pet Shop.
I'm talking about the highest viewed story on Pet Shop Daily; My Littlest Pet Shop: Escape From Equestria.
Check out Chapter 13!
Media: LPSMV - Chances x2
Sorry about the lack of posting the past few days, but there's been a lot going on. But never fear, we haven't grown so much so fast, to stop the updates and things now.
So have some music videos.
Two artists tackle the song "Chances" by Five for Fighting.
LPS Music Video,
Poll: Pet Shopper's Choice - Best Song of Season One (Closed)
Alright Pet Shoppers, it's the moment I've been telling you about since the season finale. The moment where you the fans get to vote on which insert song from Littlest Pet Shop that you love the most.
It's been an awesome season, and it's been filled with some of the most addictive, and memorable songs that have entertained, and plucked at the feels of our fandom. Now it's time to go vote for your absolute all-time favorite!
More after the jump!
It's been an awesome season, and it's been filled with some of the most addictive, and memorable songs that have entertained, and plucked at the feels of our fandom. Now it's time to go vote for your absolute all-time favorite!
More after the jump!
Media: LPS Fan Analysis
We had a submission sent-in, oddly enough through the comment section... but because this was by the fans, for the fans, I took an hour and gave this a listen. It's a pretty fair fan review, and goes in-depth on the pros and cons of Littlest Pet Shop. And while I'm sure you fans will neither fully agree or disagree, it's cool. The diversity of the fans and the different likes and dislikes are what make this such a great community.
Make sure you head over to 360Sharkzareawesome1 on his YouTube page and leave a comment!
Media: Stay Here Forever - Instrumental
No doubt, you came here in the hopes that maybe the HUB had Flubbed, and there was in fact some magical twenty-seventh episode of LPS to watch. Well sadly there wasn't, isn't and won't be until the start of season two.
But if you came here for all the cool awesome LPS stuff, and music and fandom things... well then you've come to the right place.
Enjoy an instrumental version of "Stay Here Forever".
News: LPS Community Message Board
I've been reading in a lot of places how the fans really want a dedicated site for Littlest Pet Shop discussion, and community stuff, and now you can look no further.
Head over to Day Camp and get your message skills working.
Also a huge thanks to fellow pet shopper, Tiffan for sending us the info!
Update: Escape From Equestria
Just want to say, "Sorry" for forgetting about this update, that I was supposed to update Monday, but with all the post season excitement, it slipped my mind.
Here's the latest chapter of what I'm gonna go ahead and call, the most popular LPS story on the internet; Escape From Equestria
Chapter 12
News: Daniel Ingram & Roger Eschbacher nominated for Daytime Emmy

Littlest Pet Shop may have come to its season conclusion, but the accolades are still going strong. Today, we learned that song: "If You're A Guy" (Composer, Daniel Ingram; Lyrics, Roger Eschbacher) from the episode, Dumb Dumbwaiter has been nominated for a Daytime Emmy Award for "Outstanding Original Song - Children and Animation".
So a special congratulations to all the vocal talent for the song, and a huge congrats to Daniel Ingram and Roger Eschbacher!
We'll be keeping our fingers crossed.
Media: "It Won't Be long"
Did everyone enjoy the second insert song from the season finale? Well, look no further, because we managed to lift it, and get it here for you.
First Season Down, Another To Go!
Season one is officially over, Pet Shoppers. I hope you've saved room for season two, which as of a month or so ago has had its voice work completed; if you all remember the "Wrap Party" the VAs had.
Anyway... it's been an interesting season to say the least. We've seen some cool characters come and go, lots of insert songs, and a steady influx of fans that seem to grow more with each passing day. It's truly a great and cool thing.
You are all probably wondering what is to become of us during this between season hiatus, and while I'd like to assure everyone up-front that Pet Shop Daily wont be going anywhere, I can't stress enough how much the fandom will need you fans, now more than ever.
I've been taking some time to read over the reaction of the fanbase, and over-all the approval rating seems very high. The show ended on a somewhat "feels" moment, and it really did seem to touch a great many of you. But there are a lot of fans that are hoping that this fledgling movement doesn't go the way of the dinosaur before next season, and are hoping and praying that Littlest Pet Shop gains a much larger and bigger awareness and fandom, like its bigger sister series, MLP:FiM.
Again, all I can say, is that it depends on you fans to keep the flame going strong. Strong with art, stories, and cool fan-made things that can take the internet by storm. Not the same sort of storm that MLP generated, or as frenetic; but a storm of awesome and amazing that I have seen time and time again from you all.
So consider this a call-to-arms for all Pet Shoppers everywhere. bring us your creations! Bring us your music, and art! But most of all, bring your dedication. I know that this site would be nothing without the contributions from the community. You are, have been, and always will be the life-force of this site; and as long as you continue to make amazing fan-stuffs, I will keep posting it.
Granted, I can't lie and say that Pet Shop Daily will be able to post as often, or as much (again depending on you guys), but we will be posting.
Some of the things that we are planning, is another survey. Woo-hoo!
This time, we plan on conducting a survey consisting of you guys' favorite insert song, and we'll hopefully be starting on that next week. Additionally, we'd like to get some help from the Bronies among us, who have some connections with the staff, and perhaps assist us in conducting some interviews with these amazing people that work so hard to make these shows possible. I have a few leads, but nothing that has really panned out so far.
And lastly. Allow me to express once again my constant gratitude and thanks to all you Pet Shoppers that support us here at Pet Shop Daily, and go the extra mile in the fandom, and just generally make us the new friends and family that we are. Thank you!
LPS Staff Interview
As you all may or may not remember, Pedt Shop Daily posted about the "Festival of books" and as it so happens, 2brokegeeks was there, and got the special chance to interview show creators/producers, Julie McNally and Tim Cahill.
Hope you enjoy the video, and a huge thanks to 2brokegeeks for making this awesome interview!
Nicole Oliver Nominated - 2012 BTVA Voice Acting Awards
Okay, so there isn't much time left; but for those of you that aren't aware; Nicole Oliver has been nominated for "Best Female Vocal Performance in a TV Series - Comedy/Musical" for her portrayal of Zoe Trent in the series Littlest Pet Shop, and I for one couldn't be more excited.
If you want to place your vote, then go here: 2012 BTVA Voice Acting Awards
According to the announcement schedule, the TV portion of the awards will be revealed May 2nd... though you may want to hang around from the start, Apr 29th.
Good luck Nicole, the Pet Shopper community is behind you all the way!
If you want to place your vote, then go here: 2012 BTVA Voice Acting Awards
According to the announcement schedule, the TV portion of the awards will be revealed May 2nd... though you may want to hang around from the start, Apr 29th.
Good luck Nicole, the Pet Shopper community is behind you all the way!
Nicole Oliver
Stay Here Forever - Music Video
Now that you've all seen the episode; well, I can hope that you've all seen the episode... it's time to post the music video insert for Littlest Pet Shop Season 1 finale.
Try not to let the feels overwhelm you.
Episode 26 Discussion & Links
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Temporary Art |
Blythe has to cope with the anxiety of leaving her family and pet friends when she is accepted into the junior program at a fashion school.
Episode 26 - Summertime Blues
360P New!
720p/1080p Updated!
It took some doing, but we finally got the last episode links up for the HD version.
Thanks to Barney Ross for the link!
A Few More Memes
Here's a few more memes I found while digging around tonight, and I thought that I could use them to distract everyone from the fact that there hasn't been an update in a few days.
Check after the jump!
Artist Corner: 031
Hope you all saved some room for some art after the weekend. If not, then you all need to do a few laps and then come back.
There's more art after the jump!
My Small Squirrel (Oh Hasbro... you so funny)
There is just something hilariously funny about a show within a show referencing another show. I'm now left to figure out if this is what the LPS pets watch, or if this is the sort of programming that is going on in Equestria.
LPS Eps 26 (Promo)
This is it... the preview for the final episode of Littlest Pet Shop - Season 1. I know I'm looking forward to it. I hope everyone else is too.
Episode 25 Discussion & Links
Blythe meets Shivers on the way to search for Mrs. Twombly's missing glasses; Blythe and the pets soon realize who may be the blame for the missing items from the day camp.
Episode 25 - "Blythe's Pet Project
720 / 1080p UPDATED!
LPS Event at Los Angeles Times Festival of Books (Apr 20-21)
Sorry about the two second warning, but we just got the word something cool is going down.
If any LPS fans are in the the Los Angeles area, Today, at the LA Times Festival of books, at USC, one of the events, sponsored by the Hub, is a screening of a new episode of LPS, "Summertime Blues," which is in fact, the Season Finale;(2:30PM) as well as a Q and A with the show creators afterward.
Program Schedule
The event takes place at 12:30 PM, at the school for Cinematic Arts!
Tickets are only a dollar, and as of the time PSD was notified, they still weren't sold out.
Tickets can be bought here: Ticket Sales
The LPS event is event #1152
If however the event get sold out, but some of you were able to attend, then perhaps you fans could be kind enough to pass along some photos or reports to us here. Thanks a lot to fellow Pet Shopper CurryKatsu for the heads up.
Media: I Am A Space Monkey (Robot Minka Remix)
Have some more music, courtesy of the LPS fandom.
LPS Booru
Wow! How many times am I going to use that picture now?
Don't forget about the Littlest Pet Shop Booru where you can upload all your cool LPS art, memes, and zany fan pics. Just remember to keep your pictures "safe for work" and family friendly.
You can find the booru in the link.
Littlest Pet Shop Booru
Artist Corner: 030
I don't know why, but the sheer amount of d'aww from this picture is more than the cuteness scale can handle. Props to you fans for making such wonderful art.
See more after the jump!
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