Did everyone enjoy the second insert song from the season finale? Well, look no further, because we managed to lift it, and get it here for you.
Media: "It Won't Be long"
Did everyone enjoy the second insert song from the season finale? Well, look no further, because we managed to lift it, and get it here for you.
First Season Down, Another To Go!
Season one is officially over, Pet Shoppers. I hope you've saved room for season two, which as of a month or so ago has had its voice work completed; if you all remember the "Wrap Party" the VAs had.
Anyway... it's been an interesting season to say the least. We've seen some cool characters come and go, lots of insert songs, and a steady influx of fans that seem to grow more with each passing day. It's truly a great and cool thing.
You are all probably wondering what is to become of us during this between season hiatus, and while I'd like to assure everyone up-front that Pet Shop Daily wont be going anywhere, I can't stress enough how much the fandom will need you fans, now more than ever.
I've been taking some time to read over the reaction of the fanbase, and over-all the approval rating seems very high. The show ended on a somewhat "feels" moment, and it really did seem to touch a great many of you. But there are a lot of fans that are hoping that this fledgling movement doesn't go the way of the dinosaur before next season, and are hoping and praying that Littlest Pet Shop gains a much larger and bigger awareness and fandom, like its bigger sister series, MLP:FiM.
Again, all I can say, is that it depends on you fans to keep the flame going strong. Strong with art, stories, and cool fan-made things that can take the internet by storm. Not the same sort of storm that MLP generated, or as frenetic; but a storm of awesome and amazing that I have seen time and time again from you all.
So consider this a call-to-arms for all Pet Shoppers everywhere. bring us your creations! Bring us your music, and art! But most of all, bring your dedication. I know that this site would be nothing without the contributions from the community. You are, have been, and always will be the life-force of this site; and as long as you continue to make amazing fan-stuffs, I will keep posting it.
Granted, I can't lie and say that Pet Shop Daily will be able to post as often, or as much (again depending on you guys), but we will be posting.
Some of the things that we are planning, is another survey. Woo-hoo!
This time, we plan on conducting a survey consisting of you guys' favorite insert song, and we'll hopefully be starting on that next week. Additionally, we'd like to get some help from the Bronies among us, who have some connections with the staff, and perhaps assist us in conducting some interviews with these amazing people that work so hard to make these shows possible. I have a few leads, but nothing that has really panned out so far.
And lastly. Allow me to express once again my constant gratitude and thanks to all you Pet Shoppers that support us here at Pet Shop Daily, and go the extra mile in the fandom, and just generally make us the new friends and family that we are. Thank you!
LPS Staff Interview
As you all may or may not remember, Pedt Shop Daily posted about the "Festival of books" and as it so happens, 2brokegeeks was there, and got the special chance to interview show creators/producers, Julie McNally and Tim Cahill.
Hope you enjoy the video, and a huge thanks to 2brokegeeks for making this awesome interview!
Nicole Oliver Nominated - 2012 BTVA Voice Acting Awards
Okay, so there isn't much time left; but for those of you that aren't aware; Nicole Oliver has been nominated for "Best Female Vocal Performance in a TV Series - Comedy/Musical" for her portrayal of Zoe Trent in the series Littlest Pet Shop, and I for one couldn't be more excited.
If you want to place your vote, then go here: 2012 BTVA Voice Acting Awards
According to the announcement schedule, the TV portion of the awards will be revealed May 2nd... though you may want to hang around from the start, Apr 29th.
Good luck Nicole, the Pet Shopper community is behind you all the way!
If you want to place your vote, then go here: 2012 BTVA Voice Acting Awards
According to the announcement schedule, the TV portion of the awards will be revealed May 2nd... though you may want to hang around from the start, Apr 29th.
Good luck Nicole, the Pet Shopper community is behind you all the way!
Nicole Oliver
Stay Here Forever - Music Video
Now that you've all seen the episode; well, I can hope that you've all seen the episode... it's time to post the music video insert for Littlest Pet Shop Season 1 finale.
Try not to let the feels overwhelm you.
Episode 26 Discussion & Links
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Temporary Art |
Blythe has to cope with the anxiety of leaving her family and pet friends when she is accepted into the junior program at a fashion school.
Episode 26 - Summertime Blues
360P New!
720p/1080p Updated!
It took some doing, but we finally got the last episode links up for the HD version.
Thanks to Barney Ross for the link!
A Few More Memes
Here's a few more memes I found while digging around tonight, and I thought that I could use them to distract everyone from the fact that there hasn't been an update in a few days.
Check after the jump!
Artist Corner: 031
Hope you all saved some room for some art after the weekend. If not, then you all need to do a few laps and then come back.
There's more art after the jump!
My Small Squirrel (Oh Hasbro... you so funny)
There is just something hilariously funny about a show within a show referencing another show. I'm now left to figure out if this is what the LPS pets watch, or if this is the sort of programming that is going on in Equestria.
LPS Eps 26 (Promo)
This is it... the preview for the final episode of Littlest Pet Shop - Season 1. I know I'm looking forward to it. I hope everyone else is too.
Episode 25 Discussion & Links
Blythe meets Shivers on the way to search for Mrs. Twombly's missing glasses; Blythe and the pets soon realize who may be the blame for the missing items from the day camp.
Episode 25 - "Blythe's Pet Project
720 / 1080p UPDATED!
LPS Event at Los Angeles Times Festival of Books (Apr 20-21)
Sorry about the two second warning, but we just got the word something cool is going down.
If any LPS fans are in the the Los Angeles area, Today, at the LA Times Festival of books, at USC, one of the events, sponsored by the Hub, is a screening of a new episode of LPS, "Summertime Blues," which is in fact, the Season Finale;(2:30PM) as well as a Q and A with the show creators afterward.
Program Schedule
The event takes place at 12:30 PM, at the school for Cinematic Arts!
Tickets are only a dollar, and as of the time PSD was notified, they still weren't sold out.
Tickets can be bought here: Ticket Sales
The LPS event is event #1152
If however the event get sold out, but some of you were able to attend, then perhaps you fans could be kind enough to pass along some photos or reports to us here. Thanks a lot to fellow Pet Shopper CurryKatsu for the heads up.
Media: I Am A Space Monkey (Robot Minka Remix)
Have some more music, courtesy of the LPS fandom.
LPS Booru
Wow! How many times am I going to use that picture now?
Don't forget about the Littlest Pet Shop Booru where you can upload all your cool LPS art, memes, and zany fan pics. Just remember to keep your pictures "safe for work" and family friendly.
You can find the booru in the link.
Littlest Pet Shop Booru
Artist Corner: 030
I don't know why, but the sheer amount of d'aww from this picture is more than the cuteness scale can handle. Props to you fans for making such wonderful art.
See more after the jump!
Littlest Pet Shop Goes Netflix!
We all like news, right? Well, you'll probably like this news. hasbro and Netflix have extended their agreement for Hasbro shows to now include Littlest Pet Shop and Kaijudo: Rise of the Duel Masters with new multi-year agreements.
What that means, is that now you fans of LPS can get your fix for the pet shop pets on Netflix, and as soon as Summer this year.
If you'd like to read the whole article about this, at Animation Magazine, then click here!
What that means, is that now you fans of LPS can get your fix for the pet shop pets on Netflix, and as soon as Summer this year.
If you'd like to read the whole article about this, at Animation Magazine, then click here!
Episode 24 Discussion & Links
Zoe and Pepper get competitive planning a party. Vinnie loses his tail and is shocked to find that it makes him a better dancer.
Episode 24 - "Frenemies"
Sorry for the delay in getting the higher quality streams on here. Lots of things to do today.
Episode 24 - "Frenemies"
720 / 1080p UPDATED!
Sorry for the delay in getting the higher quality streams on here. Lots of things to do today.
LPSMV: Fever
Have some more music. I wish the creator's name wasn't perma-bedded in the top right... sort of a drag, but the video is awesome otherwise.
LPS Music Video,
Media: Wolf-i-fied (Instrumental)
I'm sure you've all been wanting this, so here it is. The instrumental version of the Wolf-i-fied song.
Media: LPS Eps 24 (Promo)
Hope you're all ready for an early sneak peek at this Saturday's episode of Littlest Pet Shop! If not, then skip this post, and we hold it against you.
Artist Corner: 029
Littlest Pet Shop,
Media: Wolf-i-fied!
Alright, you can get your groove on with the insert song from the last episode; Door Jammed.
Littlest Pet Shop,
Update: My Littlest Pet Shop - Escape From Equestria
If you've been ready for more Escape From Equestria, then look no further; this is where you'll find the newest chapter!
Chapter 11
Fan Fiction,
Episode 23 Discussion & Links
Blythe accidentally gets locked in a bathroom with Whittany. The pets hear strange howling and try to identify the werewolf among them.
Episode 23 - Door Jammed
720 / 1080p UPDATED
A special thanks to Jordan Olling for the picture!
Littlest Pet Shop,
Season 1
Media: B.F.F. Remix
We've got more music, and it's a remix of the BFF song by fellow Pet Shopper Flutterwhat.
So listen and enjoy!
Littlest Pet Shop,
News: Season 1 Episode 25 & 26 Synopsis
Well, it's happened... the summary descriptions for the final two episodes of Littlest Pet Shop season one have been revealed.
Check it out after the jump!
Artist Corner: 028
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Does everybody know what time it is?
Art time! And I'm loving this stuff... seriously, I love movie crossovers.
More art after the jump!
Littlest Pet Shop,
Media: LPS Eps 23 (Promo)
Uh-oh... it's time to get things shaken up with this new Promo for this Saturday's episode of Littlest Pet Shop, "Door Jammed".
See the video after the jump!
Face In The Crowd
So I have to wonder who this is giving the big thumbs up to the girl that just tossed out of the ring. A contributor Kirin, passed on an email suggesting that this might in fact be the Fonz from Happy Days which is a distinct possibility.
If it is, then awesome... if it isn't, then the question of why these three individuals in the crowd were spotlighted must be answered.
Littlest Pet Shop,
April Fools Day... or Bust!
In addition to being in a full body cast right now, from accidentally thinking that hugging a live panda was a good idea; it seems that Littlest Pet Shop has made a special appearance on the memebase section, My Little Brony, where a group of zealous lovers of their pets (giggle), has set about to plastering LPS from one end of the MLP page to the other...
At one point in the comment section, I thought I heard someone actually crying, and another as they pad-locked themselves in a room full of yogurt and pretzels.
Many of the Bronies are bewildered and lost in a haze of confusion; much like I was after the season finale of MLP this year, and some Bronies are seeking comfort in the fact that FIMFiction has now outlawed human x pony fiction submissions.
Some Bronies have called on the power of Celestia to help them, and others are quoted as saying, "YOUR TEARS ARE DELICIOUS!"
It is possible that this whole thing is a joke from the people that run Memebase, and that this is in fact not the work of the Pet Shoppers... or it could just be a big misunderstanding; like that time I was convinced Tabitha St Germain was the lead in an anime called "Shakugan no Shana".
Either way, come tomorrow; it's either going to be a brand new day with the world right again, or I'm selling the place and getting me a nice quiet blog where I can post about pillow down.
At one point in the comment section, I thought I heard someone actually crying, and another as they pad-locked themselves in a room full of yogurt and pretzels.
Many of the Bronies are bewildered and lost in a haze of confusion; much like I was after the season finale of MLP this year, and some Bronies are seeking comfort in the fact that FIMFiction has now outlawed human x pony fiction submissions.
Some Bronies have called on the power of Celestia to help them, and others are quoted as saying, "YOUR TEARS ARE DELICIOUS!"
It is possible that this whole thing is a joke from the people that run Memebase, and that this is in fact not the work of the Pet Shoppers... or it could just be a big misunderstanding; like that time I was convinced Tabitha St Germain was the lead in an anime called "Shakugan no Shana".
Either way, come tomorrow; it's either going to be a brand new day with the world right again, or I'm selling the place and getting me a nice quiet blog where I can post about pillow down.
Littlest Pet Shop,
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