LPS Fan Production Contest Is Here!

Okay Pet Shoppers, it is time to unveil our first Fan Production Contest. What it is, is a means to generate some involvement in the fandom by sparking the creative juices within you fans, and having you pit your skills in the arena of Music, Fan-Art, and Original Music.

The guidelines are the same for these entries, as they are for the regular submissions that you would send us, but the exception, is that if you want your submission for the contest, then you need to mark the title of your Email as "Contest". Otherwise, it will be considered a regular submission.

The rules are very simple. Create original art, music or fiction.

We ask that the music be of some adequate length... 20 second snippets are too short for a proper evaluation.

For the fan-fiction submission, we want a one-shot complete story, at no shorter than 6,000 words. It can be on any topic, and any style; but GrimDark, PetErotica, and Gore will not be allowed.

For the art, we want submissions that are safe for work, nothing with nudity, or sex.

We will begin taking Contest Submissions on Monday, July 1st, and will post them each Wednesday and Friday.

The contest will run for six weeks, and at the end of those weeks, we will select the best art, the best music, and the best fan-fiction based on your feedback, and votes. You can either up vote the submission, or vote "1 through 5" in the comments.


  1. Hey, I'm a new fan of LpS but petshopDAILY?.....srsly?...in vein on equestria daily? Dude its like you're trying to say that this show is trying to be q cheap knockoff of LPS in every form, even its fandom.

    You really should change it.

  2. I meant MLP not LPS, my point being that many bronies wontngive this show a chance under the false pretense that it is shamelessly ripping off MLP. By making a fansite that alludes to the name of the biggest MLP fansite you're really enforcing the false pretense.

    1. I'm brony and I love LPS. You don't speak for my opinion.

    2. @korger

      My gosh you're self-centred. So if there was a fire in your building and the majority said "damn a fire kets all get out" you'd say "MEH i dont think its that bad lets no call the firemen" and burn everyone.

      Just because you have an opinion dosnt deflate everyone elses. You arent doing this show any favours

  3. Meh, who cares about the name of PetshopDaily. It does have a smiliar ring to it, but does it really matter? Its a different show.

    Anywho, I'd probably submit an entry for fanfiction. Kinda wish there ere some more participation, on terms of fanart, with the small LPS fanbase, but you cant rush these things..

    In all honesty, I don't think the show will be as big as Bronies, but it could become larger when Season 2 comes.

    1. Your lack of ability to see things from other peoples perspectives is exactly why you're wrong. The statistics show it simply isnt working, and pretending it isn't just makes you lulzy

    2. I don't think ANYONE is wrong- it's all a matter of opinion. I just don't care about the names/similarities between these two things, as long as they're both makin' good posts. I do see how it is "copying", but it doesn't matter, to me, because they are kinda similar shows/fanbases...

    3. @ Anonimous:
      I don't think anyone here has a lack of perspective, except maybe, you. I've gone on record many times stating that I never intended, nor intend, nor wanted to name this blog, "Pet Shop Daily"... this was originally named "Pet Shop Insider", I paid for the name, and hosting, and when I found out there was another site with the same name (The Pet Shop Insider), I was considerate enough to change mine, rather than leech off of the popularity, or influence of the other.

      The decision to name this "Daily" was due to several factors. (1. to keep the name relatively short. (2. to maintain the "news and information" aspect of the site, and (3. to maintain a small sense of familiarity within the fan-base whose fans have branched beyond the main powerhouse of what is "Equestria Daily".

      I freely admit, that certain aspects of this site are modeled after EqD. In that regard, I have to give them much credit; because their set-up, their design, and their implementation works. This is not me, ripping them off. It is me, paying homage to a great functional site, and using what I know works.

      Beyond that, this is a site for the fans of LPS, and aside from you Mr Anon, there haven't been any issues with it. We aren't about names, or designs, or who's copying whom. We are about the show, the Pets, and our own small meager awesome community. I have no delusions about this site being as big as EqD, or the fandom ever hoping to compete with MLP. Our fandom exists between the lines of the average fandom, comprised of Tumblr, DA, and Imageboards. This site is simply a hub of information for what I find that is awesome, what others find that is awesome, and where we can share it in one spot.

      If you want statistics. I have some for you.

      Pets = 7
      Anonimous = 1

      Enough said.

      P.S. Korger, Mikah-kat... Thank you for your support. You are awesome.


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