Just A Brief Update

Hello everyone! Just wanted to take some time and update the blog here, and let you all know that despite the fact that it seems we have slowed down on our posting—which we have—we haven't gone extinct or anything. We are still working hard to provide you with the best information available for your favorite show, Littlest Pet Shop. But as it happens, as does all things when there is a lull in that space between seasons; there isn't that much to post about.

It's times like this that we draw on the fandom, more than ever. To send in your art, your stories and your music.

To better help us keep our spirits up. Pet Shop Daily is going to host have a contest for best original fan-production. This can be either in the form of music, or art, or fiction.

In the next few days, we'll be putting the finishing touches on the rules for the entry, and where you Pet Shoppers can submit your entries, and what exactly it's all about.

In the meantime, I hope everyone is enjoying their Summer break, and is doing their part in keeping the spirit of LPS alive and well.

~ D
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