LPS Fan Production Contest Is Here!

Okay Pet Shoppers, it is time to unveil our first Fan Production Contest. What it is, is a means to generate some involvement in the fandom by sparking the creative juices within you fans, and having you pit your skills in the arena of Music, Fan-Art, and Original Music.

The guidelines are the same for these entries, as they are for the regular submissions that you would send us, but the exception, is that if you want your submission for the contest, then you need to mark the title of your Email as "Contest". Otherwise, it will be considered a regular submission.

The rules are very simple. Create original art, music or fiction.

We ask that the music be of some adequate length... 20 second snippets are too short for a proper evaluation.

For the fan-fiction submission, we want a one-shot complete story, at no shorter than 6,000 words. It can be on any topic, and any style; but GrimDark, PetErotica, and Gore will not be allowed.

For the art, we want submissions that are safe for work, nothing with nudity, or sex.

We will begin taking Contest Submissions on Monday, July 1st, and will post them each Wednesday and Friday.

The contest will run for six weeks, and at the end of those weeks, we will select the best art, the best music, and the best fan-fiction based on your feedback, and votes. You can either up vote the submission, or vote "1 through 5" in the comments.
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