
Okay, so fate has brought you here, and you want to submit your art, your fan fiction, or even some news that you may have heard. Fear not, for this is not a painful process; in fact it's pretty easy.

Here are the general guidelines for submissions, just to make things less troublesome for those of us sifting through the art, and the fics, and the news.

Email Description
Make sure you properly title your email. If you are sending art, then title it as art, if fan fiction, then title it as a story. This way we have a sure fire clear knowledge of what and where it needs to go, and what to call it/name it.

Example 1: Art: Minka
Example 2: Story: Sunil and the blah blah blah
Example 3: News: Toy Releases and blah blah blah
Example 4: Events: PetsterCons... etc.
Example 5: Media: LPSMV and Parodies and of course, blah blah blah

Submitting Music/Media/Art

All Music needs to be an original work of art by the community, or a parody of the LPS music. Media, and links to media such as, Music Videos, and spoofs, crossovers etc, are allowed. YouTube Poop Videos will be rejected out right on principle.

Art should have the permission of the original artist, or be submitted by the original artist, or if one cannot be found or contacted, then a link back to the source needs to be included at the very least.


Submitting News

All news info must be sourced, otherwise it will get the "rumored" tag. Also, please provide pictures if you want to spiffy up the post. It does always help.


Submitting Fan Fiction

Now, I mentioned at the start that the submission process was pretty painless, and I will hold true to that as long as this is my site, and I have anything to say about it. I, like you, am a fan fiction writer, and I have had my fair share of unrealistic hurdles to jump, and I will not be asking that of any of you. What I will ask is that you make every attempt to not embarrass yourselves, and by that I just want you to understand that the guidelines and submission rules are to get your story presented as best as it can be within a reasonable margin of error.

So here they are: the rules for submission. Ready?

800 word minimum
All stories less than eight hundred words will be considered, but may be passed on in favor of something with more weight and girth. I realize that some poetry and prose is usually under a thousand words, and poetry will be strongly considered should it fall under the eight hundred word minimum, but try your best to present something to us that will have us reading for more than five minutes.

No Grimdark, No Frizz(Porn)
This is a family friendly site, and only non-gore non-porn fan fiction will be approved. Mild sexuality and innuendo is one thing, but raw sex scenes and overly graphic depictions of violence will not be considered. Sorry, I don't want to prohibit the little kids from being able to enjoy a dedicated site for their favorite toys, and show.

Story Formatting
I understand all to well that when one is writing the last thing we usually want to think about is formatting our story, but how your story looks on the page is a huge portion of how well it may be received by the readers. Trust me when I say, that readers are fifty times more cruel than any one editor, so for the sake of your feelings, and for a good presentation, format your story with the following.

1. One line of space between each paragraph.
2. When someone is speaking, it starts a new paragraph (always), this is a rule of writing. You never want two people or more, sharing the same paragraph when they are talking.
3. No walls of text. Massive paragraphs are not impressive, and they will be some of the first things that readers and critics will take a shot at.

Grammar and Punctuation
Ah yes, the one thing we all hate. But, like I said, I'm not going to fault you for not getting a good grasp on it. Some of you may be very young, and I want to make the fan fiction submissions as fair to everyone as possible. So only the worst of the worst grammar and punctuation will be rejected. This doesn't mean that you shouldn't try to make it better. If you know a good proof-reader, and editor friend, then it is always a good idea to have them comb over your story for some improvement. Remember, I'm trying to spare your feelings, should you submit it, it gets accepted, and the critics tear it to shreds for some bad writing.

Story Hosts
For now the best places to host your stories, are either; FanFiction or Deviant Art. There are a few other places that may host some, but there is no dedicated Pet Shop Fiction site, like there are for the MLP community yet. Some stories that crossover with My Little Pony can be hosted at FIM Fiction, but make sure that your story is a true crossover, and doesn't violate the guidelines of the site. So when you send your submission, make sure that you provide a link for the story, and each chapter, if it is on going.

Tags, Description, Pics
Tags are: [Dark] [Sad] [Crossover] [Humanized] [Anthro] [Comedy] [Adventure] [Slice of Life] [Alternate Reality]

Give us at least a one paragraph description of your story, and include the tags somewhere in the body of your submission email.

Provide a link to a picture you want us to use for your story, if there isn't one, we'll do our best to find one, and make an educated guess as to which one works.

First Submission/Chapter Updates/Re-Submissions
If this is an update to a current story, and you are submitting additional chapters, then please make sure and tell us in the email. Also, if this is a re-submission, then let us know that too. It will cut down on the amount of time it will take to go through the archives, and story submissions.

No one likes it, and I'm sure many do not get a proper explanation why, but here, if something is rejected, you will know why, and you will be given an infinite amount of times to get it right. But hey with the rules being as lax as they are, you are more than 90% guaranteed that something you submit will get featured. Some stuff will be better, and some stuff won't; our goal isn't to marginalize the fandom, but to provide as much of it as possible, and let the fans sort their own stuff out.



All stories, news articles, reviews, pictures, and music will undergo a screening time. How quickly something is approved and posted depends on the amount of things that have come before it.

If you choose to provide a picture with your submission, then that would help a lot, otherwise we will find one that best represents your story for you.

Rest assured, it is not the goal of this site to deny every submission, and our standards are nowhere near as strict as other fan-sites. So your chances of getting featured are better 90%.

Anyone interested in contacting the site for an opportunity to Preread, Contribute, or to tell us how awesome we are; or make a submission may do so. 


  1. So the fan fiction submissions aren't as nearly as high as EQD?

    Are you guys sure, however, that in time, like EQD, you'll raise your standards? And that'll result in authors with nowhere to go.

    Just hope you guys won't increase your standards by too much!

    1. The reality of the situation, is that places like EqD are looking to feature only what they deem to be high caliber fan fiction. Here, we only want fan fiction to be entertaining. So yeah, five years from now, if the site is still here; the rules will still be as relaxed.



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