Art: Zoe & Pom

Have some LPS art.

PetMVs: Roger Baxter/Kill Everybody In The World

I laughed so hard when her dad cranks up the radio, and Skrillex comes out... Now it all makes perfect sense.

Source: tenchiofjurai67

PetMVs: Littlest Pet Shop (Happy Hardcore Remix)

Time for some trance remix. You gotta love this tune.

Source: MRPPony

Story: Pepper Babysits

[Comedy][Slice of Life]

Author: TannerxDelia

Pepper Babysits

Love and Tolerance vs Who You Wanna Be

One of the things that has quickly become apparent as I've been on my quest to find LPS stuff for the site, is the amount of sheer overwhelming hatred that LPS has been getting. Of course as a fan of MLP, hatred for a fandom isn't something I am all that unfamiliar with. In fact there is enough hatred for MLP from the non-fans to fill one of the Great Lakes; but the thing that both surprises and appalls me, is where a large portion of this hatred is coming from.

One of the sources of this hatred is from the MLP fandom, and the Brony community. Granted, I could cough a lot of this up as simply the MLP's fandom being overly protective of their favorite show, but at the same time, I cannot help but notice a glaring contradiction in the fans that just two years ago were doing daily battle on the internet and and in real life, over the acceptance of their now immortalized fandom.

One of the biggest beefs that bronies have with non-fans is the judgmental attitudes toward something they have not watched, or refuse to watch. So many times, the fans were seen on message boards, and image boards asking as calmly as possible for people to please not judge and hate on something with out probable reason, and to at least try it before they make insulting degrading remarks about the viewers, and cough up all fans over the age of 18 as shut-in perverts.

The truth is, those early months of the fandom were pretty hate filled, and the MLP community launched back with Love and Tolerance where ever they were met with unbridled oppression. One of the defining characteristics of the fandom if you ask me. But somewhere in the past two years, the fandom seems to have quickly forgotten its own turbulent origins, and are now wearing the same shoes as those that made their lives hell just a few years ago.
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