Stuff Post! - "This is the part where I ramble"

Okay time to show off some interesting things I've come across on my internet travels, in search of more and more Littlest Pet Shop stuff, and things. One of which was this guy here, holding a white board, and of course a fan lovingly filled it with Zoe Trent. I can't say that I disapprove in the least.

Now that doesn't mean that you fans should go overly ga-ga and start plastering stickers of LPS pets all over everything down a street in your home town, like a certain fan for a certain other HUB property had done... that might be considered vandalizing; not to confused with evangelizing.

So for now, I salute you Littlest Pet Shop artist fan, where-ever you are, and thank you for the Zoe art.

In the mean-time, I've got a post here that covers some other happenings in the world of LPS, along with pictures!

You can check out more of it after the jump!
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