LPS Fan Production Contest Is Here!

Okay Pet Shoppers, it is time to unveil our first Fan Production Contest. What it is, is a means to generate some involvement in the fandom by sparking the creative juices within you fans, and having you pit your skills in the arena of Music, Fan-Art, and Original Music.

The guidelines are the same for these entries, as they are for the regular submissions that you would send us, but the exception, is that if you want your submission for the contest, then you need to mark the title of your Email as "Contest". Otherwise, it will be considered a regular submission.

The rules are very simple. Create original art, music or fiction.

We ask that the music be of some adequate length... 20 second snippets are too short for a proper evaluation.

For the fan-fiction submission, we want a one-shot complete story, at no shorter than 6,000 words. It can be on any topic, and any style; but GrimDark, PetErotica, and Gore will not be allowed.

For the art, we want submissions that are safe for work, nothing with nudity, or sex.

We will begin taking Contest Submissions on Monday, July 1st, and will post them each Wednesday and Friday.

The contest will run for six weeks, and at the end of those weeks, we will select the best art, the best music, and the best fan-fiction based on your feedback, and votes. You can either up vote the submission, or vote "1 through 5" in the comments.

Media: LPS Assorted Background Music

I know how much you all love music, and background music, and heck; as long as it has something to do with LPS, then it's already music to our ears. So here's some background music that was submitted to us from Senn 555 and InfinityDash.

More music after the jump!

Update: Escape From Equestria

It seems that there was a new chapter updated: So make sure and check it out.

Escape From Equestria - Chapter 15

Just A Brief Update

Hello everyone! Just wanted to take some time and update the blog here, and let you all know that despite the fact that it seems we have slowed down on our posting—which we have—we haven't gone extinct or anything. We are still working hard to provide you with the best information available for your favorite show, Littlest Pet Shop. But as it happens, as does all things when there is a lull in that space between seasons; there isn't that much to post about.

It's times like this that we draw on the fandom, more than ever. To send in your art, your stories and your music.

To better help us keep our spirits up. Pet Shop Daily is going to host have a contest for best original fan-production. This can be either in the form of music, or art, or fiction.

In the next few days, we'll be putting the finishing touches on the rules for the entry, and where you Pet Shoppers can submit your entries, and what exactly it's all about.

In the meantime, I hope everyone is enjoying their Summer break, and is doing their part in keeping the spirit of LPS alive and well.

~ D

Artist Corner: 035

Time to once again bring you some fan-art. So check it out after the jump for more!

LPS Season One Commentary Track?

Now before you get your underthings in a huge misshapen bunch, I haven't heard of any definitive proof that there is going to be a complete DVD box-set of LPS Season One, so until I do, we will treat it as speculation.

But for the sake of speculation, a question concerning the possibility of Nicole Oliver moderating a commentary track for the set came up in Twitter today.

More after the jump!

Update: Sweetest Pets DVD Contents, Clips, Etc.

Have some slideshows and video clips. And don't forget to pick up your copy of Littlest Pet Shop: Sweetest Pets on DVD!

Thanks to Click Communications for the info, and promos.

More goodness after the jump!

Sweetest Pets Hits Shelves Today!

Alright Pet Shoppers! This is it... the moment you've been waiting for! As of now the newest Littlest Pet Shop DVD is out, and you can head to your nearest department store, or entertainment conglomerate to find it.

Or if you don't mind the wait, you can order it from Amazon HERE.

Either way, lets get out there and show our support for the series, and pick up a copy of it today!

Update: Escape From Equestria

It is time once again to bring you updates, of a fan-fiction variety. And yes, now that June is here, we get more My Littlest Pet Shop: Escape From Equestria, so enjoy chapter 14!

Escape From Equestria: Chapter 14
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