Media: Glad You Came LPSMV

Once again, the current picture has absolutely nothing to do with the music video. But that hasn't stopped me from chuckling at it, every time I see it.

Check out the LPSMV after the jump!

Art: More Stuff and Things (010)

This is certainly a nice picture. It's always good to see a Pet with a Pony. Hey... wait a minute. Does this mean that Pepper is her pet? Wow, I may have to go lie down.

in the mean-time, enjoy some art after the jump.

Story: Space Monkey


Author: Wormtail96
Description: Minka doesn't like talking her past with the other pets, nor the occasional nightmares which leave her solitary from her friends. Little do the others know, she keeps quiet about these things for a very good reason. She soon decides it's time to tell them her story, though what she has to tell them will prove a lot more shocking and horrifying than they could have ever expected.

Space Monkey

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
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