Artist Corn Er'd - More Meme Style Junk and Corn

Yeah, you better cover your eyes guys...

For your enjoyment... the oddity is after the jump!

LPS Ultimate Survey Update

Just wanted to give everyone a brief update on the progress with the Ultimate Survey results; they will posted as soon as I can finish converting the data into charts and graphs.

Granted, there wasn't near the turn out for the survey that I had hoped, but it is a great bit of feedback from the Pet Shopper community. Oh yeah, in case you were all wondering about it, the community pretty much chose Pet Shopper over all the other fandom names. I can tell you that without spoiling too much.

Anyway, what with work, and all, it's taking some time to get the results up to my satisfaction, but you will have them this weekend, I assure you all. Otherwise, you can spam my inbox with angry Penny Ling art.

Merch: Zazzle Has LPS

Zazzle has a Littlest Pet Shop store on their site, and it offers everything from shirts to hoodies, to even travel mugs with select art from LPS. There's even a cell-phone case for those that just have to have Minka on their iPhone 5.

Now, I want to go on record first and foremost as saying that this "seems legit", so if it isn't, then don't come beat me in the head with your overabundance of LPS blindbag toys that are all the same toy.

For those interested, you can check it out here: Zazzle
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