Episode 52 Wrap Party

For those of you that follow the voice actors on Twitter, or elsewhere, you may have caught wind of a certain bit of cheer the cast of Littlest Pet Shop were spreading amongst themselves today when they posted and Tweeted about wrapping up the studio work for the fifty-second episode of LPS.

(More after the jump)

What does this mean exactly?

It means that we the fans are getting two full seasons of twenty-six episodes. Of course some naysayers may speculate that this was done at the expense of Hasbro's other intellectual property, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, but that's still just angry rumors.

After the last of the episode was completed, the crew and cast got to nom on some cake which featured fondant num-nums of their respective character roles.

But of course, Minka managed to turn her friend's fondant replicas into some rolled up art; no doubt at Peter New's encouragement.

1 comment:

  1. Good to know this series will roll on for at least two years.


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