LPS Season One Commentary Track?

Now before you get your underthings in a huge misshapen bunch, I haven't heard of any definitive proof that there is going to be a complete DVD box-set of LPS Season One, so until I do, we will treat it as speculation.

But for the sake of speculation, a question concerning the possibility of Nicole Oliver moderating a commentary track for the set came up in Twitter today.

More after the jump!
According to the Tweet, Nicole expressed enthusiasm at the possibility to do another commentary, and left it up to the powers that be... meaning Shout Factory.

So like she said in the Tweet. If we want to get a box set (which seems reasonable considering the popularity), and we want a commentary track, then lets get our voices heard!

Head here on Twitter: Shout Factory

So get your RT fingers flexed and lets get this one in the bag. Pet Shop Daily will be in correspondence with SF to see what we can do on our end. 


  1. Or try here:

  2. Link to the tweet in question, which could have been embedded: https://twitter.com/mouthnoize/status/335065775335436288

  3. The image was sent to us with the news... we posted it as is.


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